The most interesting non-technical books I have read on analytics and operations management

Ethan Mollick - Co-Intelligence management - analytics - OM
Mollick explains convincingly why GenAI is really disruptive and how we should start using it.

Daniel Kahneman et al - Noise management - analytics - health care
Why we underestimate the impact of randomness in our decisions and what to do about it. His earlier book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, is equally interesting.

Richard & Daniel Susskind - The Future of the Professions health care
Why the profession of doctor (and others) will drastically change.

Ethan Rasiel - The McKinsey Way management
A quick read useful for everyone who wants to learn about consulting.

Philip Thetlock - Superforecasting analytics
How to forecast complex events accurately and how to deal with uncertainty.

Daniel Cable - Alive at Work management
The science of motivating people.

Matthew Dixon et al - The Effortless Experience OM
What really counts in call centers and customer service.

Nassim Taleb - The Black Swan OM
Why outliers make long-term forecasting impossible - a must-read for statisticians, forecasters and people in finance.

Peter Drucker - The Effective Executive management
A classic on personal effectiveness.

Alan Cooper - The Inmates Are Running the Asylum analytics
Essential reading for designing good (decision support) systems.

Sam Savage - The Flaw of Averages analytics - OM
The impact of variability explained to laymen. You might not like the style, but the message is important.

Spyros Makridakis - Forecasting, Planning, and Strategies for the 21st Century OM
Forecasting put in perspective.

John Toussaint & Roger Gerard - On the Mend health care - OM
On lean manufacturing in health care.

Robert Cross - Revenue Management OM
Revenue management for dummies.

John Nance - Why hospitals should fly health care
On safety in health care.

Fred Lee - If Disney ran your hospital health care
On quality in health care.

Thomas Davenport & Jeanne Harris - Competing on Analytics analytics
Analytics for managers.

John Seddon - Systems Thinking in the Public Sector health care - OM
SLAs versus altruism in health care.

Eliyahu Goldratt - The Goal (and other books by him) OM
The "business novel" everybody has read.

Ian Ayres - Super Crunchers analytics
Analytics for dummies. Fun to read!

John Kotter - Leading change OM
Why many projects fail - for every analyst who wants to have impact.

Ben Goldacre - Bad Science health care
How outcomes of medical research are manipulated.

James Taylor & Neil Raden - Smart (Enough) Systems analytics
On the importance of automating decisions made by front-line workers.