Submitted papers:
Refereed papers:
- A note on profit maximization and monotonicity for inbound call centers (with Auke Pot).
Operations Research 59(5):1304-1308, 2011.
- Dynamic control of a single-server system with abandonments (with Doug Down and Mark Lewis).
Queueing Systems 67(1):63-90, 2011.
- Monotonicity in Markov reward and decision chains: Theory and applications.
Foundations and Trends in Stochastic Systems 1:1-76, 2006.
- The effect of service time variability on maximum queue lengths in MX/G/1 queues (with Misja Nuyens and Rhonda Righter).
Journal of Applied Probability 42:883-891, 2005.
- Convexity in tandem queues.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 18:13-31, 2004.
- Optimal transmission policies for noisy channels (with Zhen Liu and Rhonda Righter).
Operations Research 49:892-899, 2001.
- On the comparison of queueing systems with their fluid limits (with Eitan Altman and Tania Jiménez).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 15:165-178, 2001.
- Stochastic scheduling with event-based dynamic programming.
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 51:249-261, 2000.
- Minimizing response times and queue lengths in systems of parallel queues (with Panayotis Sparaggis and Don Towsley).
Journal of Applied Probability 36:1185-1193, 1999.
- On the static assignment to parallel servers.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 44:1588-1592, 1999.
- Structural results for the control of queueing systems using event-based dynamic programming.
Queueing Systems 30:323-339, 1998.
- On submodular value functions and complex dynamic programming (with Eitan Altman).
Stochastic Models 14:1051-1072, 1998.
- Optimal control of tandem reentrant queues (with Rhonda Righter).
Queueing Systems 28:337-347, 1998.
- Stochastic bounds for queueing systems with multiple on-off sources (with Zhen Liu).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 12:25-48, 1998.
- Optimal control in light traffic Markov decision processes (with Olaf Passchier).
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 45:63-79, 1997.
- Assigning a single server to inhomogeneous queues with switching costs.
Theoretical Computer Science 182:203-216, 1997.
- On suboptimal policies in multi-class tandem models (with Arie Hordijk).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 10:29-39, 1996.
- Scheduling a repairman in a finite source system (with Martin Vrijenhoek).
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 44:333-344, 1996.
- On the pathwise optimal Bernoulli routing policy for homogeneous parallel servers.
Mathematics of Operations Research 21:469-476, 1996.
- A simple proof of the optimality of a threshold policy in a two-server queueing system.
Systems and Control Letters 26:301-303, 1995.
- Optimal repairman assignment in two symmetric maintenance models.
European Journal of Operations Research 82:295-301, 1995.
- Control of a random walk with noisy delayed information (with Eitan Altman).
Systems and Control Letters 24:207-213, 1995.
- Analysis of a customer assignment model with no state information (with Arie Hordijk and Anneke Loeve).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 8:419-429, 1994.
- Stochastic scheduling games with Markov decision arrival processes (with Eitan Altman).
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 26(6):141-148, 1993.
- Optimal server assignment in the case of service times with monotone failure rates.
Systems and Control Letters 20:233-238, 1993.
- On the optimality of LEPT and μc rules for parallel processors and dependent arrival processes (with Arie Hordijk).
Advances in Applied Probability 25:979-996, 1993.
- On the assignment of customers to parallel queues (with Arie Hordijk).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 6:495-511, 1992.
- The μc-rule is not optimal in the second node of the tandem queue: a counterexample (with Arie Hordijk).
Advances in Applied Probability 24:234-237, 1992.
- On the shortest queue policy for the tandem parallel queue (with Arie Hordijk).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 6:63-79, 1992.
- On the optimality of the generalized shortest queue policy (with Arie Hordijk).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 4:477-487, 1990.
Other scientific papers:
- The slow-server problem with multiple slow servers.
To appear in 100th anniversary volume of Queueing Systems 100:469-471, 2022.
- Routing to parallel homogeneous queues.
Presented at the Lorentz Center workshop in honor of Arie Hordijk, March 2005.
- Comparing queueing systems with heterogeneous on-off sources (with Zhen Liu and Don Towsley).
Technical Report WS-533, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1999.
- Optimal admission, routing and service assignment control: the case of single buffer queues (with Eitan Altman, Bruno Gaujal, and Arie Hordijk).
In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE CDC, Tampa, pages 2119-2124, 1998.
- On the optimality of FCFS for networks of multi-server queues.
Technical Report BS-R9235, CWI, Amsterdam, 1992.
- Assigning customers of multiple classes to parallel servers.
Technical Report TW-91-07, Leiden University, 1991.
Publications in the professional literature:
Popular-scientific articles:
Editorial work:
Press articles: