Submitted papers:
Refereed papers:
Paid Ancillary Revenue in the Airline Industry (with Kevin Duijndam and Rob van der Mei). To appear in Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management.
- Transfer-Learning Across Datasets with Different Input Dimensions: An Algorithm and Analysis for the Linear Regression Case (with Luis Silvestrin, Harry van Zanten, and Mark Hoogendoorn).
Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science 9, 2023.
- A hierarchical agglomerative clustering for product sales forecasting (with Robin van Ruitenbeek and Sandjai Bhulai).
Decision Analytics Journal 8, 2023.
- A comparative study of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance (with Luis Silvestrin and Mark Hoogendoorn).
2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Xiamen (CN), pages 760-767.
- Buffering locations in retail deliveries (with Dmitrii Erkin, Elenna Dugundji, Joaquim Gromicho and Rob van der Mei).
Procedia Computer Science 151:116-123, 2019.
- Trend visualization on Twitter: What's hot and what's not? (with Sandjai Bhulai, Peter Kampstra, Lidewij Kooiman, Marijn Deurloo and Bert Kok).
Proceedings of Data Analytics, Barcelona, pages 43-48, IARIA, 2012.
- Optimising a general repair kit problem with a service constraint (with Marco Bijvank and Iris Vis).
European Journal of Operational Research 204:76-85, 2010.
- Dynamic Load Balancing and Job Replication in a Global-Scale Grid Environment: a Comparison (with Menno Dobber and Rob van der Mei).
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 20:207-218, 2009.
- Resource allocation in grid computing (with Rhonda Righter).
Journal of Scheduling 11:163-173, 2008.
- Modeling "Just-in-Time" communication in distributed real-time multimedia applications (with Ran Yang, Rob van der Mei, Dennis Roubos, Frank Seinstra, and Henri Bal).
Proceedings of CCGrid, Lyon, pages 518-525, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008.
- On the optimization of resource utilization in distributed multimedia applications (with Ran Yang, Rob van der Mei, Dennis Roubos, and Frank Seinstra).
Proceedings of CCGrid, Lyon, pages 358-365, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008.
- Statistical properties of task running times in a global-scale grid environment (with Menno Dobber and Rob van der Mei).
Proceedings of CCGrid, Singapore, pages 150-153, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
- Workload minimization in re-entrant lines (with Auke Pot).
European Journal of Operational Research 174:216-233, 2006.
- Dynamic load balancing experiments in a grid (with Menno Dobber and Rob van der Mei).
Proceedings of CCGrid, Cardiff, pages 1063-1070, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005.
- Dynamic load balancing for a grid application (with Menno Dobber and Rob van der Mei).
In Proceedings of HiCP 2004, Bangalore, pages 342-352, Springer LNCS 3296, 2004.
- An explicit solution for the value function of a priority queue (with Philippe Nain).
Queueing Systems 47:251-282, 2004.
- On the structure of value functions for threshold policies in queueing models (with Sandjai Bhulai).
Journal of Applied Probability 40:613-622, 2003.
- On the bias vector of a two-class preemptive priority queue (with Robin Groenevelt and Philippe Nain).
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 55:107-120, 2002.
- On the value of learning for Bernoulli bandits with unknown parameters (with Sandjai Bhulai).
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 45:2135-2140, 2000.
- On the value function of a priority queue with an application to a controlled polling model (with Philippe Nain).
Queueing Systems 34:199-214, 2000.
- On the use of the power series algorithm for general Markov processes, with an application to a Petri net.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 9:51-56, 1997.
- Marked point processes as limits of Markovian arrival streams (with Sören Asmussen).
Journal of Applied Probability 30:365-372, 1993.
Other scientific papers:
- The deviation matrix of the M/M/1 and M/M/1/N queue, with applications to controlled queueing models.
In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE CDC, Tampa, pages 56-59, 1998.
- Nonconservative service for minimizing cell loss in ATM networks (with Zhen Liu).
In Proceedings of WATM '95, Paris, pages 123-130, 1995.
- On scheduling and routing problems with a partially observed environment (with Olaf Passchier).
Technical Report TW-95-13, Leiden University, 1995.
- Polling models with threshold switching (with Onno Boxma and Isi Mitrani).
In Quantative Methods in Parallel Systems, pages 129-140, Springer-Verlag (Esprit Basic Research Series), 1995.
Publications in the professional literature:
Popular-scientific articles:
- De wiskunde van het wachten.
Pythagoras 43(1):30-32, 2003.
- Met wiskunde naar de zon.
Pythagoras 42(5):12-15, 2003.
- Eurodiffusie: een model voor je portemonnee.
STAtOR 3(4):13-15, 2002.
- Het modelleren van de Eurodiffusie.
Nieuwe Wiskrant 21(4):24-26, 2002.
- The Euro Diffusion Project (with Piet van Blokland, Lorna Booth, Kirankumar Hiremath, Michiel Hochstenbach, Sorin Pop, Marieke Quant, and Djoko Wirosoetisno).
Proceedings of the 42nd European Study Group with Industry, CWI syllabus 51, pages 41-57, 2002.
- Stochastisch dynamisch programmeren.
Nieuwe Wiskrant 21(3):23-26, 2002.
- Virtuele wetenschap.
STAtOR 2(3): 27-28, 2001.
- Wiskunde tussen model en werkelijkheid.
Public lecture, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 30 November 2000.
- An optimal dice rolling policy for Risk.
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 12:49-52, 1994.
Editorial work:
Press articles: