Submitted papers:
Refereed papers:
Paid Ancillary Revenue in the Airline Industry (with Kevin Duijndam and Rob van der Mei). To appear in Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management.
Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science 9, 2023.
Decision Analytics Journal 8, 2023.
- A note on profit maximization and monotonicity for inbound call centers (with Auke Pot).
Operations Research 59(5):1304-1308, 2011.
- Dynamic control of a single-server system with abandonments (with Doug Down and Mark Lewis).
Queueing Systems 67(1):63-90, 2011.
- Monotonicity in Markov reward and decision chains: Theory and applications.
Foundations and Trends in Stochastic Systems 1:1-76, 2006.
- The effect of service time variability on maximum queue lengths in MX/G/1 queues (with Misja Nuyens and Rhonda Righter).
Journal of Applied Probability 42:883-891, 2005.
- Convexity in tandem queues.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 18:13-31, 2004.
- Optimal transmission policies for noisy channels (with Zhen Liu and Rhonda Righter).
Operations Research 49:892-899, 2001.
- On the comparison of queueing systems with their fluid limits (with Eitan Altman and Tania Jiménez).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 15:165-178, 2001.
- Stochastic scheduling with event-based dynamic programming.
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 51:249-261, 2000.
- Minimizing response times and queue lengths in systems of parallel queues (with Panayotis Sparaggis and Don Towsley).
Journal of Applied Probability 36:1185-1193, 1999.
- On the static assignment to parallel servers.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 44:1588-1592, 1999.
- Structural results for the control of queueing systems using event-based dynamic programming.
Queueing Systems 30:323-339, 1998.
- On submodular value functions and complex dynamic programming (with Eitan Altman).
Stochastic Models 14:1051-1072, 1998.
- Optimal control of tandem reentrant queues (with Rhonda Righter).
Queueing Systems 28:337-347, 1998.
- Stochastic bounds for queueing systems with multiple on-off sources (with Zhen Liu).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 12:25-48, 1998.
- Optimal control in light traffic Markov decision processes (with Olaf Passchier).
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 45:63-79, 1997.
- Assigning a single server to inhomogeneous queues with switching costs.
Theoretical Computer Science 182:203-216, 1997.
- On suboptimal policies in multi-class tandem models (with Arie Hordijk).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 10:29-39, 1996.
- Scheduling a repairman in a finite source system (with Martin Vrijenhoek).
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 44:333-344, 1996.
- On the pathwise optimal Bernoulli routing policy for homogeneous parallel servers.
Mathematics of Operations Research 21:469-476, 1996.
- A simple proof of the optimality of a threshold policy in a two-server queueing system.
Systems and Control Letters 26:301-303, 1995.
- Optimal repairman assignment in two symmetric maintenance models.
European Journal of Operations Research 82:295-301, 1995.
- Control of a random walk with noisy delayed information (with Eitan Altman).
Systems and Control Letters 24:207-213, 1995.
- Analysis of a customer assignment model with no state information (with Arie Hordijk and Anneke Loeve).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 8:419-429, 1994.
- Stochastic scheduling games with Markov decision arrival processes (with Eitan Altman).
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 26(6):141-148, 1993.
- Optimal server assignment in the case of service times with monotone failure rates.
Systems and Control Letters 20:233-238, 1993.
- On the optimality of LEPT and μc rules for parallel processors and dependent arrival processes (with Arie Hordijk).
Advances in Applied Probability 25:979-996, 1993.
- On the assignment of customers to parallel queues (with Arie Hordijk).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 6:495-511, 1992.
- The μc-rule is not optimal in the second node of the tandem queue: a counterexample (with Arie Hordijk).
Advances in Applied Probability 24:234-237, 1992.
- On the shortest queue policy for the tandem parallel queue (with Arie Hordijk).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 6:63-79, 1992.
- On the optimality of the generalized shortest queue policy (with Arie Hordijk).
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 4:477-487, 1990.
Other scientific papers:
- The slow-server problem with multiple slow servers.
To appear in 100th anniversary volume of Queueing Systems 100:469-471, 2022.
- Routing to parallel homogeneous queues.
Presented at the Lorentz Center workshop in honor of Arie Hordijk, March 2005.
- Comparing queueing systems with heterogeneous on-off sources (with Zhen Liu and Don Towsley).
Technical Report WS-533, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1999.
- Optimal admission, routing and service assignment control: the case of single buffer queues (with Eitan Altman, Bruno Gaujal, and Arie Hordijk).
In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE CDC, Tampa, pages 2119-2124, 1998.
- On the optimality of FCFS for networks of multi-server queues.
Technical Report BS-R9235, CWI, Amsterdam, 1992.
- Assigning customers of multiple classes to parallel servers.
Technical Report TW-91-07, Leiden University, 1991.
Publications in the professional literature:
Popular-scientific articles:
Editorial work:
Press articles: