Submitted papers:
Refereed papers:
- Bayesian Reinforcement Learning to Optimize
Paid Ancillary Revenue in the Airline Industry (with Kevin Duijndam and Rob van der Mei). To appear in Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management.
- An investigation of the exposure effect of recommender systems in hospitality (with Rik van Leeuwen and Koen Hoogkamp). Decision Analysis Journal 10, 2024.
- Anomaly detection in univariate time series incorporating active learning (with Rik van Leeuwen).
Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science 6, 2023.
- Single-dimensional leg-level dynamic programming with booking-time dependent cancellation probabilities for revenue management (with Daniel Hopman and Rob van der Mei).
International Journal of Revenue Management 13(1/2):99-122, 2022.
- Data-driven market segmentation in hospitality using unsupervised machine learning (with Rik van Leeuwen).
Machine Learning with Applications 10, 2022.
- Demand forecasting in hospitality using smoothed demand curves (with Rik van Leeuwen).
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 21:487-502, 2022.
- A machine learning approach to itinerary-level booking prediction in competitive airline markets (with Daniel Hopman and Rob van der Mei).
International Journal of Revenue Management 12(1):1, 2021.
- Single-leg revenue management with downsell and delayed decision-making (with Daniel Hopman and Rob van der Mei).
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 16(6): 594-606, 2017.
- A case for exploratory data analysis in revenue management forecasting: a case study of a small and independent hotel in The Netherlands (with Dirk Sierag, Jean-Pierre van der Rest, Rob van der Mei and Bert Zwart).
International Journal of Revenue Management 10:28-51, 2017.
- Revenue Management under Customer Choice Behaviour with Cancellations and Overbooking (with Dirk Sierag, Rob van der Mei, Jean-Pierre van der Rest and Bert Zwart).
European Journal of Operational Research 246(1):170-185, 2015.
- Estimating unconstrained customer choice set demand: A case study on airline reservation data (with Alwin Haensel and Jeroen Erdman).
Journal of Choice Modelling 4(3):75-87, 2011.
- Estimating unconstrained demand rate functions using customer choice sets (with Alwin Haensel).
Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management 10(5):438-454, 2011.
- Booking horizon forecasting with dynamic updating: A case study of hotel reservation data (with Alwin Haensel).
International Journal of Forecasting 27:942-960, 2011.
Other scientific papers:
Publications in the professional literature:
Popular-scientific articles:
Editorial work:
Press articles: